Media Curation Through Facebook

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lydario's avatar

Forgive the blow-hard title but being a community heavily involved in the internet communication space I wanted to bring this conversation I started on facebook to y'all as I felt you'd all have some great insights.

-----------[words n' shit]------------

I'm about to... thought-vomit on facebook about the idea of sharing and digital curation ON facebook, so humor me. many of you may skip over this due to it's length which in a way kinda validates some of the following points (that or maybe you just don't find it interesting, which is fair). I was gonna share a cute video (which I'll share in the comments) but I thought "it's so cute and funny, someone needs to see it" and if I don't no doubt I'll never be able to find it when I want to next. I've observed friends who use their timeline as a bookmark of sorts, posting articles or any content they wish to find later as facebook stands as a record keeper now (a comforting yet terrifying though) and a thought came to mind.

There is so much content on the internet these days, it seems facebook has truly capitalized on that fact by giving us an outlet to record ideas and curate media in a way that documents, encourages, and perpetuates our... digital ADD I'll call it. There is so much media that our brains seek to process sound bites and small pieces and too much as once is too much. This is shown in the wild success of Vine, and I find myself leaving multiple tabs open on my browser all the time in an effort to... preserve material that is important while also keeping it accessible. Long videos I tend to leave and procrastinate from watching favoring shorter materials and what not.

I guess my reason for sharing this is my own fear that the idea will slip away in the endless meanderings I take online. Does the act of having facebook create the compulsion to share media, are we sharing to serve us or the potential audience, are these simply human impulses that through facebook are more easily acted upon? What are your thoughts?

--------------[vids bruh]---------------

What reminded me and made me think to share this with you guys was the fact that... I often neglect some of the more thoughtful comments and procrastinate on responding to them, and I've always done it, perhaps out of pressure of giving quality attention to what's been said... often doing just the opposite and leaving them till responding loses it's relevance.

ANYWAY! Here are two videos, the first being the cute on that inspired the thought train

Next a really cool TED talk I watched earlier that I'm pretty sure spurred the ideas that led to this.

So enjoy, feel free to think about the ideas, don't respond immediately. I'd LOVE for this to turn into a page-turning discussion!

© 2015 - 2024 lydario
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FrozenFeather's avatar
i TOTALLY fully 100% agree with you. i often do the same thing. i LOVE to talk and i favor longer more thought out comments, yet when i actually get them i often push them aside, favoring short one i can immediately respond to, and then by the time i read the longer comments all i have to say is "yes i agree" or whatever.

i'm not sure what the reason is really. i think it is due to media and all that, i don't think it's naturally ingrained in us and things like FB allow us to show that. i think FB encourages short quick things. and not just FB, many things are that way. movies are often shorter now, vines are short, songs are shorter, comments. look at twitter. it's like 140 characters, that is barely enough to get anything out! everything encourages us to change ourselves to make smaller things. 

and with so much more information i think it's natural for us to want to save things. but that i think is a born thing. my dad has a HUGE file cabinet in the garage FULL of funny comics and interesting articles he has clipped from newspapers and such. it's natural for us to want to save things, and now instead of reading a few newspapers or watching a few tv shows a day maybe, we BINGE on tv and movies and cartoons and articles and gossip and everything! it's impossible not to want to save it all. 

the sad thing is because we try to save t all we actually retain less. it's like photographing everything on a vacation. it's been proven you actually retain less memories when all you focus on is taking photos of the good memories. haha very ironic, and sad.

i wold also add that it is indeed an addiction, we see something humorous or interesting and our brains release endorphins, literally addicting us to want more.

interesting topic btw